Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the highest policy and decision-making body responsible for ensuring that CARE is governed and managed responsibly and prudently, stays solvent and delivers the charitable outcomes it was designed for.

The board is made up of compassionate volunteers who believe in the mission of CARE Singapore and have stepped forward with their skills and heart. Their diverse backgrounds in education, civil service, banking, business, etc, provides a strong backbone support, and they do not derive any income from the organisation.

The appointment as Board members is for two years, with election of office holders occurring during the AGM (Annual General Meeting). The board members provide stability to the society through their experience, consistency of service and bring varied competencies and perspectives covering areas of strategic planning and business management, human resource management etc.

The board also actively search and recruit new members in our plan for board renewal.

There are no sub-committees at the present.


President leads the process for all nominations pertaining to the appointment(s) of persons to be invited as members of the Board, in discussion with Society members.


The nominations will then be ratified by the Board of Directors.


All new Board Members would undergo orientation and training.


On a yearly basis, the Board of Directors perform a self-evaluation and discuss the board’s performance and effectiveness in areas such as strategic planning and financial control.

Key Management at CARE

Jeffrey Neo

President, Joined 2000

Darren Lai

Vice President, Joined 2013

Melvin Pan

Treasurer, Joined 2023

Lyndsay Lam

Secretary, Joined 2023

Kenneth Pan

Member, Joined 2008

Neo Kah Yean

Member, Joined 2008

Angela Ngui

Member, Joined 2023

Olivine Lim

Member, Joined 2023

Willie Yuen

Member, Joined 2023

Rachel Phoon

Member, Joined 2024

Management of Conflict of Interest

The Society has a conflict of interest policy in place. All trustees/office bearers and key management personnel are required to read and understand the conflict of interest policy. They are required to make full disclosure of interests and to sign the declaration form every year.

When a conflict of interest situation arises, the person concerned shall declare his or her interests and abstain from participating in the discussion, decision-making and voting on the matter.

During the fiscal year 1 May 2022 to 30 April 2023, there was no transaction with a corporation in which the trustees/office bearers and the key management personnel had an interest.

Our Staff

We are a multi-racial team of management and field professionals, comprising youth-workers, social workers, counsellors, therapists and support personnel. This team is responsible for the delivery of impactful services and programmes to our beneficiaries.

Keen to be part of our organization? Check out our current job openings!