Donate by Monthly Cheque
Your donations change lives!
A little goes a long way. Be it $1 or $100, every dollar counts towards supporting our youths and changing lives. Your donations are the reason that we have impacted so many, and are able to keep empowering youths to be their best selves.
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Other Ways to Donate
Donate to CARE
Telegraphic Transfer(TT) or InterBank GIRO (IBG)
Monthly Cheque
Make a Bequest
Online Form
PLANT Monthly GIRO Donation
Sow seeds for life through PLANT; a monthly GIRO deduction from your designated bank account. A monthly contribution of $50* will support one youth through a full-year programme. *Full monthly programme cost of about $170 per person is jointly supported by schools, government grants, sponsorships & donations. Just complete the GIRO form and send it to us.
Download, complete and send the PLANT GIRO form to us.