Our Services

CARE Singapore provides a comprehensive list of services targeting different areas of youth empowerment, community outreach and mental health.

Whether we are reaching youth at-risk through schools, promoting family bonding and building healthy relationships or spreading awareness on mental health, we are dedicated to building a better world for the future generation. Read on to learn more!

School Social Work
Parenting Teachers Training
Outreach Youth Mentoring
Sports Partnership

Lorem Ipsum

CARE Singapore offers year-long comprehensive, preventive, holistic, supportive and motivational life-skills programme designed for Primary and Secondary School students.

Research-based, field-tested, proven and cost-effective, these programmes have impacted well over 30,000 lives since 1997.

All our programmes, like TSP (The Scaffold Programme), Uth Power!, StarKidz!, Hi-CAL!, YOUthrive!, etc, are specially designed for positive youth development. On a weekly basis, a dynamic team of professional Youth Workers and Counselors meet and work with students. With the rapport and positive relationships established, students feel safe to turn to them for guidance and support when needed.

Our Moments

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Join Our Community

CARE Singapore exists to help vulnerable young people find direction, hope and success. We employ a multi-dimensional approach that engages and empowers youths.